Friday, November 4, 2011

It´s a BOY!!

I finally have a few minutes to give you an update. I am currently 19 weeks and we just found out that we are having a boy. I am so happy. I secretly wanted a boy. My husband is getting more excited as the pregnancy progresses. He started out very detached and now he is even letting me look at strollers...amazing. I realized how bad I wanted to hear him say that it was ok to look at strollers while we were at today. So weird.
I still feel like something will go wrong any second...but we are still going strong here. Level II u/s is tuesdayto check for heart problems, since my nephew was just born with some issues and needed heart surgery. I can´t wait to see the little man once again.
Again, I can´t say enough for New Hope in New York. I think they truly care and do what´s best for EACH patient.